The Amazing Benefits of My Autism Service Dog
When my mom started researching ways to help me, she discovered autism service dogs. I’ve always liked animals, so my mom thought this might
Free Autism Digest for Autism Acceptance Month
This year, as Autism Digest commemorates its 25th anniversary, the publication is also celebrating Autism Acceptance Month by releasing...
Dani Bowman: Entrepreneur and Star
In this exclusive interview, Dani Bowman, a successful entrepreneur and star of "Love on the Spectrum," shares her unique communication...
Exploring the Latest Insights and Resources in the February Autism Digest
Welcome to the February 2024 Issue of Autism Digest. Our cover story, "Going for that Gleam in the Eye: Humor, Play, and Autism" by...
Max Park: Shattering Boundaries and Setting New Records in the Rubik's Cube
“Don’t Think Just Solve” Fastest Rubik's cube 3x3 WR (3.13) sec WORLD RECORD The Rubik's Cube has captivated the world for decades,...
Let My Typin' Let You See
The Miracle Project's Express Yourself class is comprised of multi-modality communicators who are interested in connecting and collaborating